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It must be the full moon because I was crying on my bathroom floor last night and then in bed by 8pm. My son (12) woke me up at 10:30pm (when the wifi goes off) so I could put him to bed. I was so cranky and mean, but I did get up and tuck him in. I'm so fucking tired, sometimes I wonder if the last three years have been a dream.

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I am THERE. Damn moons. Sending hugs xo

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I like your honesty and the important message to 'sit with our feelings'.

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Thanks Lee 😊

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Sep 18Liked by Summer Koester

Wow! I so admire your vulnerability and your humor, as well as your wisdom. Your advice here with all of its graphic shit tea, moves me. This is why I recommend you to my students!

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Thanks so much as always Heather! 💕

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Sep 18Liked by Summer Koester

Your shit tea is the brilliant rant I needed!

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Haha glad it helped!

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There's so many feelings I choose to not sit in as an adult! But reading this, I feel like I should. I know I should. And if kids can do it, I can do it!

Loved the wit in this one. And it definitely is Maybelline :)

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Thanks Istiaq!

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Sep 17Liked by Summer Koester

Ah yes. Just when we think we have our shit together, along comes parenting. Joining you in a nice cup of tea. 💩

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Ha! It’s true. I totally had my shit together until the kids came along! Cheers!

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This is wild. I may never be able to drink tea again, but that’s a small price to pay for reading your shit storm turned into humor.

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Mwahaha 🫖 💩

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Sep 17Liked by Summer Koester

I adore your honesty and love your razor-sharp wit.

I can so relate to those days which are so overwhelming that I just lose my shit.......but then after expressing and feeling my true emotions, I do feel better.......more calm.

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And thank you, Victoria!

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Right?! It’s important. We need to beat our breast and take time to grieve!

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Sep 17Liked by Summer Koester

I love the piece. Sigmund Freud might be the only person in history with their head wrapped around the human condition like you. This life, it's a "we" thing.....

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Ha! Im flattered!

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Sep 17Liked by Summer Koester

I say that with no hyperbole. Adulting is hard, occasionally. I feel your pain. The struggle is real. I keep the flying monkeys on call 24/7.

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Sep 17Liked by Summer Koester

I almost keyboarded that with a straight face....

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I need some flying monkeys

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Sep 17Liked by Summer Koester

Mmmmm...... I know a guy. Just keep it on the down low.

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Sep 17·edited Sep 17Liked by Summer Koester

“ The Greek and Roman Empires laid the foundation for modern-day patriarchy.”

I’m not a historian but in my readings it seems to me one needs to go back further into the histories of the Sumerians, Akkadians, Egyptians and the story of Israel King Josiah killing off the female god Asherah and making Yahweh the only god.

I like going back to Inanna of the Sumerians who evolved to Ishtar with the Akkadians and Babylonians and possibly Isis with the Egyptians and Aphrodite with the Greeks. Also, Astarte has her roots in Inanna.

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Loved hearing from YOU, Sum!

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I’m back! 😁 and thank you!

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thank you for the raw honesty of this. so many gems of wisdom. there should be a time of community keening for moms/parents. but more importantly, as you have so often shared with precision and passion, the old ways of capitalism and patriarchy need to die away and new ways need to emerge. the system is fallow and shallow.

like you, i welcome the monsters, even if with one eye closed at times.

please please take tender care. love you.

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My shit tea is pretty murky. Sometimes like a an over fermented kombucha that’s become a breeding ground for flies. I know, eew. I do find myself stewing in it and then I’ll come up for a breathe.

I’m water too. Pisces cancer. I think shot tea just runs in my veins. Thank you for putting into perfect words. I laughed and I cried on this morning when I can’t get out of bed. Love you

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