Your satire is far too real! 🥹. I raised 3 daughters in the 80s and was a stay at home, JD Vance style mom until they were out of elementary school. I love them all, but sometimes wanted to beat them when they didn’t act like obedient ducks in a row as they should. I contemplated suicide because I thought they would be better without me. I spent five years in counseling that wasn’t covered by insurance. I had a lawyer for a husband, so we could afford it and he wanted to stay married. He had his own set of expectations to fill. No, this isn’t satire, it was my life.

My daughters are grown. Two are married and one is not. Counseling is their friend when they need it. My oldest is a married cat lady with no kids by choice. She owns her own business. The second is married and has 2 children-living the dream of two in diapers. Her career as a high school teacher is now occasionally substituting. Oh, and she is in a mixed race marriage. The youngest is single. She has no cat. She works for her oldest sister, she visits her 90+ year old grandmas every week. She advocates for Palestinians, homeless….

The parenting struggle is real.

This country is incredibly weak. It doesn’t know how to focus on what is important—its children, families, and communities. It has lost its focus on the value of human beings. 😢😭. It has forgotten how to love.

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And God forbid that you get a divorce after decades of marriage and raising said children and have to depend on your ex for spousal support which he resents paying and isn't enough to support yourself because you were dumb enough to give up your career out of love to stay home with and raise your children. But the good news is that I'm now a childless dog-lady... and I'd be a cat-lady too if my dog wouldn't eat the cat.

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So glad to see you and a good number of others pushing back against the virulent stupidity of telling women what their choices should be, over and over and over again!

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20 hrs ago·edited 19 hrs ago

Coming from a dedicated cat woman who was told her whole adult life that she couldn’t have kids then miraculously- one day- did! With a man who already had 4 kids!

Go 🖕🏽JD.

Serious boner killer.

Loving the picture of your mom (and you) 🩷

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Absolute gutting perfection.

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Bravo!! I laughed, I cried...I cried some more...

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