Jan 28Liked by Summer Koester

Wasn’t through...studies show children learn better from paper, books and teachers present in the classroom. But virtual learning is pushed as needed...no concern for those who have no access to internet. Blended education perhaps, but I am thankful for those who continue to speak out...gratitude your way!

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100%. Remote learning = so inequitable. Esp for neurodiverse kids & kids in overcrowded areas, lower socioeconomic status, etc.

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We have finally stabalized my neurodivergebt child after 3 years of online schooling. I put her in charge of her extra-curriculum which made her more curious abd now empowered to finish school early because she is learning about things that interest her without socisl pressures. Montessori-isc. It was a long road gettin to this point but we made it!!!!!!!

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That's amazing and so inspiring! My autistic daughter hit remote learning in Kindergarten before she was diagnosed and it was HELL. She was destructive, screamed over Zoom, and hid under the table. The teacher always put her on mute and forgot to take her off mute. Then, when school resumed with masks, she destroyed property, ran away, hid in bathrooms, etc., which prompted us to get her tested, and she received her diagnosis. School is a constant struggle. It's not set up for neurodivergents, especially traditional style structure (non-project-based, constant transitions) with classes of 32!!! It's my dream that when she's in high school she can pursue what interests her. Because when she finds something she likes, she will work on it for HOURS! And she has such attention to detail! Neurodiversity is a superpower, just that the normies don't know what to do with it, or us, lol.

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Jan 24Liked by Summer Koester

All those snowy vistas <3

Have you considered throwing said dumb-dumb legislators into the snow and leaving them there?

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Haha! I'd like to make them shovel my roof right about now!

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Jan 24·edited Jan 24Liked by Summer Koester

Ah, I grew up in Buffalo, NY and went back a week after the "Snowstorm of a Century." The difference between Juneau and Buffalo is that while Juneau looks like a Winter Wonderland, when the City of Buffalo has a major lake-effect storm it seems apocalyptic--something out of Cormac McCarthy's The Road.

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Oooof * i bet

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Feb 3Liked by Summer Koester

Those are gorgeous photos!

I live in Ga, about the only winter lesson is that 30-some degrees and rainy is the height of misery

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Haha! But it’s so beautiful there! My cousin lives in Alabama and frankly I’d trade winter beauty for tropical heat & A-C. I love the heat!

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It's ok I guess lol.

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Wow, I'll stop complaining about the few inches of snow and alternating ice and rain we got here in the Virginia Highlands last week. I am sorry to hear about your school funding issues - taxing the super rich their fair share would quickly take care of school funding - and then some....Thanks so much for following my blog, that's how I found you here! Annette

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Thank you, Annette! I look forward to reading your blog!

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Nicely written. Thanks and good luck!

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thanks Ronald. Thanks for reading!

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Jan 28Liked by Summer Koester

Thanks for sharing education in Alaska ills and chills. I, too, am an educator though I am retired. Texas is trying its best to kill public education, after failing to make vouchers a legal way to pay for private education a law reducing property taxes was passed...quietly taking away property tax money from schools.

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Ugghhhh I think Alaska is following the Texas schools playbook

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Jan 27Liked by Summer Koester

Love these snow pics! Always wished for that here but has rarely happened.

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Can I send some your way? lol

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Jan 29Liked by Summer Koester

Absolutely! It’s been nothing but a rainy swamp here in Ohio.

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Jan 26Liked by Summer Koester

It's wet in Northern California. Tiny seedlings rising from the door mat, and very slippery in the pasture. The rainy days are warmer than last year, and much misting in between actual downpours. Dark hooded juncos, titmice, mousetits, western bluebirds, geese. It's really great when the great fireball is shining in a blue sky. My son told me 'Fireball' is cinnamon flavored whiskey, but that's not what I mean. Thank you for your description of your winter.

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I love the description of the birds! I think those are birds? what's a moustits?! lol

you're already getting seedlings?

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Jan 27Liked by Summer Koester

Bushtits have longer tails than chickadees... and haha, I reversed titmice...both live on the coast but I only see them in groups in the winter here. Winged tits. Heck ya!

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Sorry to hear about the schools! How horrible! :( Sending hugs and cowboy energy your way<3

On a totally different note, that pond hockey looks amazing and somehow cozy even though it's on ice.

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Haha thanks! And yes for some

Reason it was cozy and im normally an ice cube!

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Jan 24Liked by Summer Koester

Beautiful photos! The education funding is truly disheartening and short-sighted. I am reading Democracy Awakening by Heather Cox Richardson, Boston College history prof. She explains a thing or two about politics today. It isn't for the majority!

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I love her newsletter!

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Well, the winter in Massachusetts ain't like it used to be! When I was a kid I could to pond-skate from November until March. Not anymore. Last year I finally, got a vintage radio-flyer sled and snow shoes, items I would never have splurged on but were given to me as gifts. I didn't get to use them.

This winter I have been lucky and we've had "some" snow and I have used the snow shoes a couple of times. I feel a little envious at your Alaska snow! But I'm not envious at what they are doing to your school budget and system. It sounds awful.

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Thanks for the moral support! Yeah the snow is wonderful. And has completely shut down the city for three days! Three days of remote learning. Blarf.

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I know, that's the not so fun part of it. I'm sorry! I've forgotten how disruptive big snow storms could be.

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Dang!!! You are something else Summer!! Somehow you speak the honest tongue and make me wanna bust out laughing and at the same time get pissed off and cry!!! That’s a gift!! Yes, the school situation is heartbreaking!! My wife is a SPED teacher on the Kenai Pen. The state is in crisis!! How can an freakin’ oil state not have the $ to fund our schools. Talk about ‘more is less’!!! Where there is money, there is always equivelant greed!!

Ok, then you end with the truely magnificent pictures of the beauty of this land!! Gosh, we do live in a paradox up here!!

Keep up the fiery writings friend!! Love it!!!

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Thank you! My heart goes out to your wife. The budget is nuts. They say "well, the money's just not there," but that's not true. The PFD was set up as a surplus fund for when the state is flush! Which clearly is not now! The money IS there, it's just about priorities.

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Jan 24Liked by Summer Koester

Good luck with your efforts to support education for your kids and others'.

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Thank you. I appreciate the support. 🙏

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Hi, I've been sharing my Truckee CA winter stories for the past week or so on Ring Around the Basin, suecauhape.substack.com if you'd care to read and weep. I feel your pain. I am also gnashing my teeth at the Republican steal of voters' voices. In our little Camelot, Minden, NV., the Repubs are holding their very own primary for members of the club. My husband and I had to hold our noses every election so we can vote for a candidate in the Primaries. It rankles deeply. This year, however, the Repubs are grinding our bones with a Repub caucus one evening with Trump and DeSantis (who's already bailed, on that ballot, and Nikki and the other also-rans on the primary ballot. The NV Repubs are holding this fiasco because they don't like how the Legislature nixxed caucuses in favor of a state primary in June, which would get the job done in an efficient, inexpensive, and inclusive manner. Well, Fnuck! The Repubs got so pissy at the Legislature's tawdry display of power and now we'll have two Primaries. This election started out as a clown car, but is fast entering major zoology.

Thank you, Summer, for reading this tale of woe. We are all in for four years of bat-shittery.

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I'm afraid you might be ride (she says while holding nose). Time to bust out the satire again. That's what got me through Covid. I'm sorry to hear about NV. Thank you for sharing your newsletter with me! I'm going to check it out!

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Jan 24Liked by Summer Koester

My sister runs a school in Alaska, somewhere southwest of Anchorage on the coast, and she said they held a New Year's Eve party about two weeks ago to ENCOURAGE students to come to school (and encourage parents to send them). Huh? But yes, to encourage them to come to school -- that's what she said. I don't understand this at all.

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Wow. Was it in the Aleutians? Unalaska? Maybe students don't go because of the inconsistency of education. And many families work subsistence together during the non-snowy months. Also, lots of Indigenous parents and grandparents still have painful memories from boarding schools not too long ago.

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Jan 24Liked by Summer Koester

She's in Dillingham. Will have to go visit. Went to Anchorage two years ago, and that was pretty cool.

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Oh yeah, Dillingham, I'm pretty sure that is a fishing village. My friends works with Salmon State and travels there often for work. My guess is probably lots of families are working hard at sustaining themselves there. And lots of Indigenous folks that distrust the educational system.

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Jan 24Liked by Summer Koester

I recently read a book about living in Alaska, Ordinary Wolves, that might explain that some.

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*Googles Ordinary Wolves...*

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