One must remember that many people of the past lived in different governments and thrived. There was great art amongst people who lived under kings and queens. There have been wonderful books and stories coming from Communist regimes or tzars.

It may be the end of the world as we know it. But it's always the end of the world as we know it and though we might not feel fine, we can look to the plants that spring up from the cracks in concrete. Life pushes through even when we throw rocks in it's way. We can do the same.

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It’s true, and as you suggest some of the most astounding forms of art and resilience have been born of the most oppressive regimes. 💪🏼

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I think helping each other cope is really important right now. That helps me, along with lots of other things.

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I agree with you. The world is very polarized right now, not just along political lines. I feel that helping anyone at anytime is really key. Even if it's picking up a little kid that stumbled, it's still being helpful :)

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💖 💖 💖

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YES!!! Those ripples of little kindnesses do make a difference into the world.

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Diamonds are formed only through horrifying heat and pressure. It isn't easy -- I worry as much as anyone -- but we can see that hard moments are what we need to become better. The same goes for our personal lives. We are all afraid of what might happen, but when our worst fears become reality, it is often the only thing we needed to become a better version of our self and to understand that there is no situation stronger than we are. Thanks for your honesty and for this beautiful reflection. Your writing is clear and fucking awesome.

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Thanks so much, James <3

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Mister Rogers is my spirit animal, and I've long focused on helping individuals in my local community. But today, I feel called to use my voice and experiences as an activist to dance right out of my comfort zone into Tiktok: to motivate political action among youth.

Desperate times call for us Brave Creatives to listen within and answer the call!

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I love that and please send me your TikTok handle if you’re being serious about that!

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I did a brave improv video yesterday 🙌🏽 need to develop messaging; get specific about ‘why’ vote now, even with imperfect choices


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Jul 5Liked by Summer Koester

well done. This was a lovely read! Now I'll go out in my garden and protect my blueberry bushes; feed the birds, and later....write to my Congressional leaders and to potential voters. Words and actions matter. We're all in for that red-headed boy, my blonde headed grandson and all the rest....we'll make our world a better place, one little act at a time.

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That sounds like the perfect response to scary news, Sybil 💕

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Happy Belated birthday, Summer, from the degus and I :) One of my special autistic interests is terrorism studies and extremism (specifically psychology, ideology, and radicalization) another is gardening. I find between the two of them, I'm able to balance the despondence I feel at the world and see renewed hope. The degus also help, having a warbnado around one of your hands in the morning is really great :)

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I love that ! I had to Google degus again lol I guess that’s a really nice thing about having kids too. Forces you to focus on the present moment and also gives you hope for the future.

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Your Hopeful writing and beautiful pictures are a great way to end an awful week. HAPPY BIRTHDAY 🎉 🎂🍦🍾 and thank you.

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Thanks James 💖

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Jul 5Liked by Summer Koester

Authenticity within understanding and perspective.

There are many things I disagree with you on but I love the way you write and your character shows in the way you describe your small Alaskan Community. People as a whole need to disconnect from the sh** that funnels through their black mirrors and create a hub of peace, love, and the present. Reverse the mold.

Keep on keeping on Summer 😁🤙🏽

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Thanks, J. & you’re so right. The knee jerk stuff is probably in response to the feels I get from friends’ social media posts. Much of it fear based. Hard not to be when many are coming from places of vulnerability. And so much of the time I’m also questioning my own thoughts - am I overreacting? Is this what they want us to think? What actually is true? Anyway, that’s a long way of me saying please feel free to disagree! I’m always open and learning and my mind often changes with the weather. 🤷‍♀️

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That being said, as we draw closer to the election, stay abreast of your local situation. Problem is, too many will overact to what the bully news is telling them, and it is these unhinged and bullied folks who may create unsafe situations.

Calm and faith will hold you fast and safe from troubles. My own practice is meditation. If you have never tried/practiced meditation, Give it a try. There are many, many online resources for learning. And heck, why not teach your kids?

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💯 I love that. My son thought it was boring but now he says he has a daily meditation practice !!! in the morning before he does his squats or whatever. I taught my daughter, but she thinks it’s boring still. Maybe in a couple years she’ll come around…

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Boring. One of the many things I hated as a child that I long for now. Things like naps, staying in on weekends, background volume music, solitude, having the occasional lazy day…….

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Dear Summer, subscribers, and readers: Do not let the main stream news bully you. The news is politically motivated, and ALWAYS curated to push you in one direction or another. Don’t be a victim. Summer, and many of you who have commented here chose the right path by doing the things that create and rejuvenate you.

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Yup. I am nodding my head

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Jul 5Liked by Summer Koester

Love the pictures, brought the adventure to life. What a cool Mom you are

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🥰 thanks Trish!

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Summer Koester: Thank you for sharing of wondrous woodlands, with your adept artistry with the camera.

Your children instinctively know what a child cannot yet articulate: That Mom shares of her own love of nature and her humane values, and that they grow up in a home full of love that nurtures the young mind with a love of learning and adventure.

Yours is one of the columns I love the best.

Thank you so much for sharing.

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🥰 thanks so much, Armand! 💖

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Beautiful piece, Summer. Thank you!

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Thanks so much, Robin!

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Jul 11Liked by Summer Koester

Pardon me, I should’ve started with;

Wonderful piece. PERFECTLY PUT. 🙏

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Jul 11Liked by Summer Koester

It’s our movie!!! Why settle for anything less than iconic?

Both Humanity and Gaia need you to give a poo!

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“Ah yes, we bore witness to that”..and did XYZ in response.

I was there in the sixties. It was excitingly awful.

I am here in 2024, at the other end. And it is excitingly awful.

I bear witness. You bear witness.

My XYZ is to listen, learn, and try to teach, as I enjoy a simple life. It is a difficult balance, as each generation sets out to change the world, until they run head on into reality.

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