Jun 22Liked by Summer Koester

This could be the most reasoned, unflinching, compassionate essay on this far reaching topic ever digested by this cis-het reader hungry for truth over hysteria. Thank you, Summer.

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Awesome John! Thank you so much! 💕

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Jun 21Liked by Summer Koester

That Julia Serano quote is the perfect capper to this excellent piece. THANKS AS ALWAYS!!!

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Thanks as always, Skipp <3

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One more thing. Prison is prison. No one is safe - no one, not even the gang members. Sexual abuse is widespread. The vulnerable are easier targets. Only a complete overhaul of our prison systems will rectify this.

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Yes, this is so true. My friend just became the corrections officer and he said in the prisons there is no such thing as consent.

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"You've cut me to the quick." I'm going to be as honest as possible here. History first: white male born in the mid 50's. Received my "education" in gender issues in Berkeley, CA in the late 70's and early 80's right when "The Women's Movement" was building power. Fundamental issues beginning to hit the mainstream, perhaps meaning that men had to start paying attention in order to make their way through society at large. There was a large, vocal lesbian movement in the east Bay Area at the time. A close lesbian friend scolded me on the use of the word "chick" one evening. Obviously, I'll never forget it. Gay men were open about their sexuality, and of course there was the big gay men's community right across the bay. My manager at the record store way gay, and there was an older man on the staff who was a huge tease, hitting on straight male co-workers every day. As my life progressed, I rose through the ranks in retail records and books. Both industries were ripe with gay men and lesbians. I came to accept all of this as normal, and freely had friendships with gays and lesbians throughout my career, all the way to retirement. As for all the "newer" developments and reveals in the world of sexuality, I'm not as schooled in them due to lack of direct experience, with the exception of reading about them. I don't feel it is my responsibility to develop a political stance on the "newer developments," except to say that I maintain a live-and-let-live perspective. Having said that, I believe that many politicos use sexuality to divide us. I say take a step back and look at how race and traditional male/female issues have been used to pit us against each other for the purpose of creating agendas with the end-goal being political power. Our country/world has grown explosively negative with one type pit against another, and we have entered a period of absolute chaos. Yes, sexual expression of all varieties should be accepted (excepting violent expression), but we shouldn't be dividing ourselves up into political camps over it. That being said, I think we should protect our children from making life-changing decisions, such as sex-changing surgery, without the guidance of their parents. Sure, let them explore their sexual identity while they are developing, but the idea of changing pronouns and such without guidance is simply irresponsible. Allowing the state or schools to aid or control a child's inquiring mind or feeling in-the-moment is utterly wrong. Freedom and self-expression are beautiful and fundamental, but parents absolutely must hold the rights to potentially life-changing actions. Government, which includes public schools have no business getting involved. I realize my response here did not specifically address your expressive, heart-felt essay, so forgive if you can, respond as you will. I think you understand I truly respect you and your essays. Love & Peace

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Thank you for your comment! I agree, wholeheartedly

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Jun 22Liked by Summer Koester

My breath, my life, my novel, so well done Summer. You’ve inspired me to keep telling my story. Thank you

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Yes, queen! Thank you so much for your words! Keep writing and now I need to read your book! 💕

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Good one Summer! I really appreciate your angle on this issue.

Also, from a purely practical point of view, the bathroom question has never made sense to me. Women’s bathrooms always have stalls. Men’s bathrooms obviously do too but fewer. It seems like it would be more of a problem for transmen than transwomen if you just have to pee. (Clearly I’m operating off of a hypothetical understanding of the matter).

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Good point! Thank you Camille 💕

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Jun 22Liked by Summer Koester

Yes! 👏 Conservative Christians and TERFs (Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists) love to spin transgender as a new "woke" trend. Indigenous populations have honored non-conforming gender identities in antiquity. The Muxes (pronounced mu-shay) of Mexico is an ancient tradition. And Native Americans have long recognized the "two-spirit" gender. It's only through colonization and oppression of societies that the strict binary gender roles of male and female have been reinforced in order to maintain power and dominion.

I am also a cisgender-heterosexual (cis-het) woman. I agree there is absolutely an intersection between transgender issues and feminist issues. Excluding and discriminating against transgender/non-binary folks only reinforces the patriarchy.

Another non-binary advocate on social media with a large following is Jeffrey Marsh. They can be found on IG @thejeffreymarsh. Thank you for celebrating this amazing and beautiful community! 🎉

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I’ll look him up, thank you! Thank you for your words, Maggie! Spot On!

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Jun 22Liked by Summer Koester

Yes, I hope you look *them* up on IG. *They* are awesome! 🫶

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Oops them duh 🙄 sorry

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Jun 23Liked by Summer Koester


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Thank you so much for letting us learn and discover the facts that can make us better people.

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Thank you, Brien!

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It is I that thank you 😊

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Honestly, I don't think that middle-aged cis white women are afraid of getting jumped by a transgender woman in a public bathroom, and I'm almost 100% sure they don't care about violent assault in women's or men's prisons.

These are my peers, and I see it all the time. We are the daughters of 2nd wave feminists who were brought up on the fairytale that we could grow up to be whatever we wanted as long as we worked longer and harder than men. Our mother's had no concept of intersectionality, (wasn't all that race stuff taken care of during the Civil Rights Movement anyway?), and felt the last protected class in the US were (white) women.

Their main problem was that they sought to insert themselves into the existing soul sucking capitalist system (produce, produce, produce) instead of creating a more humane socialist-like infrastructure for everyone. My peers are raging because no one told them they were going to have to work 60 hours/wk in the office AND do all of the emotional, mental and physical labor at home. Okay, maybe some men take ownership of the physical labor like grilling or taking out the garbage.

White women like their privilege and they're (we're?) not willing to share it with anyone born with a penis. "What's that you say? Science says gender identity is in the brain not the genitals? Like we're going to believe that! Next thing you'll tell us is vaccines save lives!" Okay, I went a little off the rails there, but look at who doesn't want to vaccinate their kids in the US.

This is my observation among my cohort of white Gen-X women in general. Of course there are exceptions (me) but like you I make mistakes and get a lot of stuff wrong. I just feel the need to call bullsh*t on the bathroom and prison fears because that's not the reason for their discrimination.

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